
4 October 2021 • College News

COLLEGE WEBINAR - 28 OCTOBER 2021: Strategies for distrupting rascism in Nursing

The College’s monthly webinar is on Thursday 28th of October from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm . Speakers Dr. Heather Came and Jacquie Kidd will be joining us from AUT University.

To register for this event and further event details, visit our events page on the website:

Webinar Abstract: Strengthening and deepening our understanding of the power dynamics of the historical, social, cultural and political determinants of health for Indigenous peoples is essential for our practice in relation to cultural safety and institutional racism. Raising this standard of achievement rigorously and transparently in both our clinical and cultural competencies is vital. The complex dynamics of racism need to be demystified and embedded into anti-racism praxis if Tauiwi nurses are to be effective contributors and to raise their confidence and competency to engage effectively with Māori and their whānau. The webinar speakers will discuss the insights from senior nurses in their study findings, such as Tauiwi ability to be able to self-assess where they sit on the continuum of anti-racism practice and identify the next steps of professional development; with the reminder that anti-racism is a process of lifelong learning.

Speaker Bio’s: 

  • Ko Te Ahuahu tōku maunga, Ko Omapere tōku roto, Ko Waitangi tōku awa, Ko Ngāpuhi tōku iwi, Ko Ngati Hineira, Te Uri Taniwha ōku hapū, Ko Parawhenua, Rāwhitiroa ōku marae, Ko Jacquie taku ingoa.

    My research platform has a methodological underpinning of a qualitative kaupapa Māori co-design. Since 2013 I have adopted a strong emphasis on health literacy in all my projects, but particularly cultural health literacy for services to improve service delivery for whānau Māori. My current projects include WHIRI, a whānau focused hauora response to the pandemic; a multi-site study looking at police responses to citizens in mental distress; and a Marsden project that aims to draw together and test a theory of anti-racism for the health sector.

    Ngā mihi maioha



    Visit Jacquie’s AUT profile page:


  • Dr Heather Came is a seventh-generation Pākehā New Zealander.  She has worked for 28 years in health promotion and public health and has a long involvement in social justice activism. Heather is a founding member and co-chair of STIR: Stop Institutional Racism, a fellow of the Health Promotion Forum, and chair of the AUT branch of the NZ Public Health Association.

     As an activist-scholar she has prepared evidence for Waitangi Tribunal claims and has led shadow reports to various United Nations human rights committees and is co-convenor of Te Tiriti based futures: Anti-racism series of open-access virtual conferences. She is Head of the Department of Public Health within Auckland University of Technology and recently won a Faculty Individual Teaching Excellence Award. 

    She is currently co-Principal Investigator on a Marsden grant focussing on re-imagining anti-racism theory for health professionals. Her research focuses on critical policy analysis, te Titrito o Waitangi, anti-racism and institutional racism in the health sector.

    Visit Dr Heather’s AUT profile page: