Māori Caucus

About the Māori Caucus

Te Ao Māramatanga (New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses Inc.) recognises the relationship between Māori and the Crown, as articulated in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and willingly ensures this relationship is reflected in the constitution of Te Ao Māramatanga. 

This commitment is demonstrated by the partnership with tangata whenua, and Māori Caucus where all Māori members automatically become members of. Māori Caucus provide valued guidance to Te Ao Māramatanga on all aspects of practice and business. 



Te Ao Māramatanga Māori Caucus Wānanga, Maraeroa Marae 7-9 March 2018 Porirua

Valerie Williams (Te Rau Matatini), Christina Kake (Whitireia NESP Tutor), Mere Hammond (Kuia Te Whare Marie), Menetta Te Aonui (Nga Taiohi), Raelene Toia (Te Aro Health Centre), Jayne Isaacs (Te Whare Marie)