
Who is involved?

The short answer is that there are a lot of people and organisations involved in collaborating to provide this programme and they include nurses and others, representing:

  • Te Ao Māramatanga New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses
  • Local District Health Boards and Primary Healthcare Organisations
  • A wide range of local community organisations and representatives
  • Ministry of Health

The Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Development Centre’s – Te Pou, Te Rau Ora, Le Va, Werry Workforce Wharaurau.

The college credentialing team

Our credentialing team consists of:

Lois Boyd, Co-Director of Credentialing (

Valerie Williams, Kaitohu/Co-Director (

Bart Van Gaalen, National Programme Manager – Primary Mental Health and Addictions Credentialing Programme (

Scarlett Teng, Credentialing Assessment Co-ordinator (

Regina Yhonjan, Credentialing Administrator (

Currently 30 Mental Health and Addiction Nurses who are College Members and Assessors on the programme, providing their expertise to support the programme.

Programme Reference Group

The programme reference group meet with the Natonal Programme Manager (Chair) once a month to provide their expertise and guidance into current programme activity and planned programme development.  These nurse leaders, who are college members, contribute their time and expertise to professionally support and assist the programme at both local and national level. 

  • Heather Casey
  • Jo Price
  • Valerie Williams
  • Helen Hammer
  • Menetta Te Aonui
  • Paris Bailey

Photo taken November 2020 at Annual Programme Reference Group, In Person Meeting at Te Pou Wellington office.

Dr Helen Hamer, Anne Brebner, Dr Reena Kainamu (Te Pou), Lois Boyd, Menetta Te Aonui, Raeleen Toia, Steph Anderson, Tracey Merlini, Heather Casey, Dr Daryle Deering


Local Credentialing Programme Teams

Each local programme is resourced by its local Primary Healthcare Organisation, District Health Board and community.  A wide variety of local people collaborate to provide the best local information and practice approaches.  This includes local programme setup and co-ordination, facilitation of in person days, administration, programme speakers and supervisors.  Some programmes have their own local governance group.  For more detail about local programmes, see the Local Programme Details section.