Honouring our Leaders – Past and Present
Jamesina Faith Kett (nee Elkington, Heppolite)
Ka rongo te ao, ka rongo te pō, ka rongo hoki ngā tamariki o Tane, kia āu tō moe.
E tangi ana ngā reo tioriori o ngā manu o Te Waonui o Tane, kia āu tō moe.
Horokau ana te tangi o ngā kamo, e kore e mutu whengū kei te rere o te hūpe.
Ka matikarahaehae i te kiritoto, e kai kini nei e, kia āu tō moe.
Haere, haere, haere ki te anga o Matariki, ki runga i te waka o Tamarereti.
E tangi tonu ana te ngākau, e hotuhotu ana a Manawa, e te mareikura e te Kui Jamesina..
Kia āu tō moe.
The day has heard, the night has heard and children of Tane have heard, may you rest peacefully.
As the beautiful birds of the Forest sing their mournful lullaby, may you rest peacefully.
The tears of your friends and family gently flow, our grief and sorrow resound heartache.
As the pain cuts deep into our souls and squeezes our every being, as you rest peacefully.
As your soul leaves us to be with the children of Ranginui to ride the Canoe of Tamarereti.
Our soul aches at your loss; our hearts continue to sob for you noble and treasured elder Jamesina
‘May you rest peacefully’
Click here to view more about Jamesina.